Her Good Side - Paperback

Her Good Side

Weatherspoon, Rebekah

Sixteen-year-old Bethany Greene, though confident and self-assured, is what they call a late-bloomer. Sheā€™s never had a boyfriend, date, or first kiss. Sheā€™s determined to change that but after her crush turns her down cold for Homecomingā€”declaring her too inexperiencedā€”and all her back-up ideas fall through, she cautiously agrees to go with her best friendā€™s boyfriend Jacob. A platonic date is better than no date, right? Until her friend breaks up with said boyfriend.

Dumped twice in just two months, Jacob Yeun wonders if heā€™s the problem. After years hiding behind his camera and a shocking summer glow up, he wasnā€™t quite ready for all the attention or to be someoneā€™s boyfriend. There are no guides for his particular circumstances, or for taking your exā€™s best friend to the dance.

Why not make the best of an awkward situation? Bethany and Jacob decide to fake date for practice, building their confidence in matters of the heart.

And it worksā€”guys are finally noticing Bethany and Jacob is growing more confident. But things get complicated as their kissing sessionsā€”for research of course!ā€”start to feel real. This arrangement was supposed to help them in dating other people, but what if their perfect match is right in front of them?


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