Field Guide to Corn Diseases

Field Guide To Corn Diseases

White, D. & D. Malvick

Many different diseases affect corn each year in the U.S. Identification of corn diseases can be critical for managing and understanding them, but the diseases can be difficult to identify on different hybrids and in different environments. This Field Guide to Corn Diseases is an extensive guide to identification of common corn diseases in the United States.

The simple guide includes multiple color photographs of 56 different corn diseases to aid in disease identification. The guide is printed on good quality paper and easily fits into a pocket for transport to the field or office.


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Minnesota Extension
Lee, Katie; Reuter, Gary S.; Spivak, Marla
Evans, Elaine; Ian Burns; Patrick Lhomme; Marla Spivak
Gingerich, Susan; Kim T. Mueser, Piper S. Meyer-kalos; Melinda Fox-smith; Tanya Freedland
Mccann, E. M.; H. M. Lee & S. E. Powell