Anatomy Of The Organs - Non-book Item

Anatomy Of The Organs

Quickstudy Barcharts

No anatomical reference is as inexpensive and as loaded with meticulously detailed, beautifully illustrated structures of the human organs, clearly and concisely labeled for easy identification. There are over 10 million QuickStudy anatomy guides in print, all with Illustrations by award-winning and best-selling medical illustrator Vincent Perez, whose life mission is cataloging the beauty and detail of our complicated body systems for the medical professional, the formative student and the inquisitive layperson.
6-page laminated guide includes illustrated and labeled:
Organs - Full Torso
Anterior Respiratory & Urinary
Male & Female Urogenital Systems
Respiratory Tracts
Right Kidney
Left Adrenal Gland
Anterior Digestive
Hepatic Portal Veins
Small Intestine (Schematic), Large Intestine
Anterior Circulatory System
Thoracic, Neck & Head Veins/Arteries
Anterior Heart & Vessels
Posterior Heart
Anterior Thoracic Nerves
Phrenic & Vagus Nerves
Spinal Nerves, Spinal Chord
Lymphatic System
Deep Abdominal & Inguinal Nodes
Dorsal Spleen
Stomach & Pancreas
Large Intestine Lymphatics
Arm Axilla & Thorax Lymphatics
Heart & Lungs
Suggested uses:
Students Ā– handy reference that is compact and easily reviewed on a daily basis
Administrative Ā– use for billing and coding
Doctors Ā– use guide to educate patients or for reference with staff


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Quickstudy Barcharts
Quickstudy Barcharts
Quickstudy Barcharts
Quickstudy Barcharts